Sustainable Management
For a sustainable future for all
This code recommends that suppliers operate as labor- and human rights-conscious, environmentally responsible, and ethically operated companies.
JINSUNG C&I has established ESG behavior guidelines for suppliers (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") to ensure mutual growth and sustainability.
Therefore, JINSUNG C&I may visit suppliers to verify compliance with these guidelines and request improvements for any major violations.
1. Labor and Human Rights
1-1. Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
1) Suppliers must prohibit child labor and forced labor, which goes against the will of workers.
2) Suppliers must not unreasonably restrict the movement of workers, and workers should be free to resign at any time.
1-2. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
1) Suppliers must prohibit all forms of discrimination based on gender, age, race, disability, religion, political affiliation, and place of origin in employment, and must respect diversity.
1-3. Guarantee of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
1) Suppliers must guarantee workers' freedom to form labor unions freely and must not impose any disadvantages on workers for joining or participating in union activities.
1-4. Wages and Benefits
1) Suppliers must ensure that workers' wages include statutory minimum wages, overtime pay, and legally mandated benefits.
2) Workers should be provided with a detailed pay statement, along with their wages, that records salary and deductions.
1-5. Prohibition of Excessive Overtime
1) Suppliers must not exceed the statutory number of working days and hours, including overtime, except in cases of emergencies or special circumstances.
1-6. Ethical Hiring
1) Suppliers must not restrict workers' access to employee identification documents (such as ID cards, passports, driver's licenses, etc.) by storing, disposing of, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise limiting access to such documents, except as specifically permitted by law.
2. Environment
2-1. Compliance with Environmental Regulations
1) Suppliers must comply with environmental regulations and conduct prior inspections and preparations for potential violations of laws.
2-2. Minimization of Environmental Impact
1) Suppliers must manage and dispose of environmental pollutants such as hazardous substances, waste, air pollutants, and wastewater in accordance with environmental regulations during the production process, and make efforts to reduce environmental pollution by reducing energy and resource consumption.
2-3. Chemical Management
1) Suppliers must make efforts to ensure safe management of chemical substances during transportation, storage, use, and disposal, and must label or disclose information that identifies the hazards and hazards of the chemical substances handled.
3. Safety and Health
3-1. Industrial Safety
1) Suppliers must identify the potential exposure of workers to safety and health hazards (such as chemicals, electricity and other energy sources, fire, vehicle, and fall hazards) in advance and regularly participate in risk assessments to prevent risks.
3-2. Emergency Preparedness
1) Suppliers must identify and prepare for potential emergencies and disasters, and implement emergency response procedures to minimize damage. These emergency measures and response procedures include reporting emergencies, emergency communication and evacuation procedures, worker education and training, and familiarization with evacuation routes and emergency contacts to minimize damage.
3-3. Handling of Physically Demanding Work
1) Suppliers must identify tasks that impose physically demanding burdens on workers, such as repetitive tasks and handling heavy objects, and improve procedures or implement stretching exercises to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
3-4. Safety Management of Machinery and Equipment
1) Suppliers must conduct safety inspections for all hazardous and risky equipment, install physical protection devices and safety devices to ensure the safety of workers, and perform preventive maintenance on these devices.
3-5. Safety and Health Education
1) Suppliers must periodically conduct industrial safety education for all workers in the workplace to enhance workers' awareness of safety and health.
4. Ethics
4-1. Prohibition of Unfair Advantage
1) Suppliers must not provide or receive any form of improper benefit or inducement, such as bribes or kickbacks, that could undermine fairness beyond the scope tolerated by social norms in relation to their duties.
2) Suppliers must establish internal procedures to ensure that suspicious transactions can be reported and processed, and must ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer unreasonable consequences for their reports.
4-2. Protection of Personal Information
1) Suppliers must systematically protect the personal information of all stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and workers.
2) Suppliers must comply with regulations related to personal information protection and information security when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, and sharing personal information.
4-3. Protection of Identity and Prevention of Retaliation
1) Suppliers must make efforts to ensure that internal whistleblowers protected by law, including anonymous protection procedures, do not suffer disadvantages from internal reporting.
4-4. Fair Trade
1) Suppliers must not engage in unfair trade practices such as collusion, exaggerated advertising, or false advertising in transactions with the company.
2) Suppliers must not obtain information from competitors or trading partners through improper means, and must not use or disclose information obtained improperly by the company or third parties.
3) Suppliers must comply with fair trade laws and standards in each country.