1. Labor and Human Rights
1-1. Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
1) Suppliers must prohibit child labor and forced labor, which goes against the will of workers.
2) Suppliers must not unreasonably restrict the movement of workers, and workers should be free to resign at any time.
1-2. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
1) Suppliers must prohibit all forms of discrimination based on gender, age, race, disability, religion, political affiliation, and place of origin in employment, and must respect diversity.
1-3. Guarantee of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
1) Suppliers must guarantee workers' freedom to form labor unions freely and must not impose any disadvantages on workers for joining or participating in union activities.
1-4. Wages and Benefits
1) Suppliers must ensure that workers' wages include statutory minimum wages, overtime pay, and legally mandated benefits.
2) Workers should be provided with a detailed pay statement, along with their wages, that records salary and deductions.
1-5. Prohibition of Excessive Overtime
1) Suppliers must not exceed the statutory number of working days and hours, including overtime, except in cases of emergencies or special circumstances.
1-6. Ethical Hiring
1) Suppliers must not restrict workers' access to employee identification documents (such as ID cards, passports, driver's licenses, etc.) by storing, disposing of, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise limiting access to such documents, except as specifically permitted by law.